- Katja & Martin Wittneben
- +264 64 463462
- info@natura-africa.com
- https://www.natura-africa.com/
Natura Africa. Our inspiration of treasures from the African continent has been developed by us, Katja & Martin Wittneben in Swakopmund, Namibia, for people with nature and Africa in their heart. Deeply rooted in Namibia as home to our family, we devote our NATURA AFRICAlife to the natural treasures of the African continent.
Our story together begins with our formal scientific background of botany and ecology (University of Bremen, Germany) and, many African rains ago, doing research in Namibia – both of us deeply intrigued by the wisdom of traditional plant uses and ways of integrating these into the Western worlds’ applications.
It was only natural for us to start using African plant ingredients on our own young family – from baby balm to anti-ageing skin care – and constantly testing out new combinations for over 10 years by now. Sharing our fascination about the multiple benefits of our natural hand-crafted products soon opened the path for our first range of commercial products in 2013.
We strongly support ecological sustainability and ethical correctness – meaning nothing else than ‘respect’ for people and our environment. So, wherever possible, we source our ingredients from community projects based on these principles. We follow the principle of doing TRADE not AID - the only workable and trustworthy formula for long term economic development by creating responsibility within a local society.
By combining passion with our scientific background and entrepreneurial experience we wish to sustainably utilize the natural treasures of the African continent. We commit ourselves to creating value in Africa by producing locally and selling globally – giving market access and sustainable benefit particularly to the people living at the (African) roots!
Using our products means that you will be supporting these people and giving value to our natural resources, hence contributing to the preservation of our African natural treasures.
We hope you will enjoy our ever-expanding range of Namibian products, as much as our family has. Thank you for your support!