- Paula Raubenheimer
- +27(0)827856499
- info@drinkmartys.com
- https://drinkmartys.com/shop-za
Our co-founder Martin has always been obsessive when it comes to food and drink. Some people dream about making millions, others about their next island getaway. Martin thinks about fare constantly. So when he decided he was going to produce the very best virgin Bloody Marys around, he knew he needed to start at the very beginning - with tomatoes.
To procure the nectar of his dreams, Martin first borrowed a juicer from a friend, then moved to a combination blitz and press method using his mother’s old Magimix, a modified hydraulic workshop press, and food-grade buckets. Martin’s obsession with getting every drop of juice from each tomato he hand-pressed didn’t stop here, and he later graduated to an apple hopper and wine press (as small-scale tomato processing machinery just doesn’t exist).
The thing about an obsession is that you don’t let something silly like no money slow you down - where there is a will, there is a way, right? Today, Marty’s is not made in the garage, but these learnings have taught us so much about what we want and, more importantly, what we don’t. We absolutely love tomato juice but find that all too often, the options on the market are far too thick, filled with sugar and loads of preservatives. Marty’s is consciously lighter on the palate and far less chewy than other brands out there. This is something we probably wouldn’t have discovered if tomato-obsessed Martin hadn’t started this adventure with tomatoes in his garage.