Organic & Natural Products Expo Africa

Cape Town 
28 – 30 March 2025, Cape Town International Convention Centre
2 – 4 October 2025, Sandton Convention Centre
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Organic & Natural Expo Africa 2021
Read 2023 Expo Report

The Organic & Natural Products Expo Africa is the continent’s only dedicated event for these industry sectors.

Designed as a hybrid event that caters to trade buyers, while at the same time allowing retail sales directly to consumers, the expo is set to showcase local and international manufacturers, suppliers, importers and exporters.

The Organic & Natural Products Expo is a member of the International Organic Trade Fair Alliance.

The only expo that gives you 365 day exposure.

The Organic & Natural Expo Africa is the only event of its kind that guarantees you a further 365 days of exposure after the 3 day event is over.

The organisers are also the operators of Africa’s leading news and search portal for these product categories.

This means that by signing up to exhibit at the 2023 expo, you will also qualify for a year’s free listing on the portal, keeping in touch and finding new clients long after the expo is over.

Event Categories

Body & Beauty
Food & Beverages
Baby & Kids

Attending the Expo

Trade visitor application

Why Exhibit?

The organic and natural products sectors are growing rapidly around the world. Africa may be slow coming to the market, but is catching up fast with more major retail and chain stores introducing house brands and dedicating shelf space to products in these categories. Specialist retail outlets are also expanding rapidly. They are all looking for new products, new suppliers and a competitive edge.

Similarly overseas buyers are looking for new sources of unique products that they can market in their home territories. Africa can produce these.  Finally, consumers are now becoming a force to be reckoned with in these categories with ‘over the counter’ sales in South Africa alone worth tens of millions of Rands a year – and growing.


A multitude of corresponding activities are planned to educate, entertain and enhance exhibition offerings. These include: international product showcases, demonstrations, presentation theatre, and book signings to name a few.


South African Organic Sector Organisation

The South African Organic Sector Organisation (SAOSO) represents everyone in the organic value chain – consumers, producers, retailers – anyone concerned about how our food is grown and how we can protect our future food freedom and the natural ecology of Mzansi. With the demand for organic produce outstripping supply, there is great potential for farmers to enter the organic market where they can be rewarded for being custodians of the soil for future generations. Largely informal and with organic status not recognised as a path to sustainability and growth, the local organic sector is growing exponentially through awareness by consumers of the nutritional and health benefits of organic produce, and the recognition by farmers of the need to regenerate our soils. SAOSO is proud to endorse the Organic & Natural Products Expo Africa 2020 and the timing is perfect – in fact overdue. We look forward to working with the team to make this a great success!

Sunday Times Lifestyle

As the platinum media partner to the Organic & Natural Products Expo Africa 2020, SA’s largest selling weekly newspaper, the Sunday Times is proud to support this much needed platform In support we plan to: Run an editorial and event preview run a dedicated Expo feature in the May 3rd 2020 edition of the Sunday Times Lifestyle Magazine (1,719,000 readers), and provide advertising opportunities at discounted rates for exhibitors. May this event be a huge success and grow year on year going forward.

The Health Products Association

The Health Products Association (HPA) represents the natural health supplement and complementary medicines market in South Africa. It was established in 1974 and is the largest and oldest non-profit organisation representing the interests of manufacturers and retailers of the natural products industry, which includes organic and health foods, health supplements, natural ingredients, complementary medicines and other similar products. This sector has grown substantially worldwide over the last decade or so. There is an enormous interest in health & dietary supplements, homoeopathy and other such disciplines. The HPA is delighted to support the Organic & Natural Products Expo, and as an Association will ensure that it is promoted throughout our industry.

Slow Food South Africa

As the platinum media partner to the Organic & Natural Products Expo Africa 2020, SA’s largest selling weekly newspaper, the Sunday Times is proud to support this much needed platform In support we plan to: Run an editorial and event preview run a dedicated Expo feature in the May 3rd 2020 edition of the Sunday Times Lifestyle Magazine (1,719,000 readers), and provide advertising opportunities at discounted rates for exhibitors. May this event be a huge success and grow year on year going forward.

Bryanston Organic & Natural Market

For over 40 years Bryanston Organic & Natural Market has been a pioneering and socially conscious market place and a leading example of conscious living. Our customer promise is an authentic source of goods and services and a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. We welcome and support the concept of an Organic & Natural Products Expo where like-minded people to come together to share and to learn. It is through these collaborative soulful and wholesome experiences that we ensure our future and that of the earth.

The Cosmetic Export Council of South Africa

South Africa is world-renowned for its natural ingredients. The Cosmetic Export Council of South Africa (CECOSA)’s prime objective is to create an exporting environment that will promote increased business for South African companies. Natural and organic cosmetics has peeked consumer interest and is playing more of a role in this industry. This rising trend has ensured local bodies continue to certify cosmetic ingredients to international standards. Awareness and education around what South Africa has to offer are crucial. The Organic & Natural Products Expo Africa is a key networking and learning opportunity and will certainly aid in highlighting the importance that South Africa plays on an international scale.

South African National Halaal Authority

In a rapidly changing environment, various aspects of Halaal lifestyles appear to be converging with mainstream beliefs about the environment and health consciousness. The ethical treatment of animals, concern for the Earth’s resources as stewards of the earth, and growing awareness of the harm caused by use of chemicals and pesticides make for a strong bond and resonates with producers and consumers of organic and natural products. 

As the country’s premier Halaal authority and advocates for the consumption of that which is Halaal and wholesome, we welcome and support this very important and timely showcase for the spiritual and physical well-being of all our citizens.

Food & Beverage Reporter

Hi, I am Bruce Cohen, publisher of Food & Beverage Reporter as well as founder of Absolute Organix (AO), a leading supplier of organic products into the retail sector. In the 15 years since I started the AO business, and in tracking industry trends through the magazine, I have seen, both globally and locally, consumer interest in and appetite for organic and natural products grow in leaps and bounds. We now find ourselves in a position where these categories are fast becoming “mainstream”, with leading retailers dedicating increasing shelf space to these products. The timing for an Organic & Natural Products Expo is, in my opinion, absolutely optimal and, wearing both my hats, I am jumping in boots and all to make it work.

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